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Transitions announced

Leon John was born Dec. 22, son of Conference Minister Mike Denton and Lauren Cannon, associate pastor at Keystone UCC in Seattle.

Jennifer Russell, 61, died Nov. 29 and her memorial service was held Dec. 8 at Prospect Congregational UCC in Seattle. She graduated from the University of Washington in 1980 and from Bangor Theological Seminary in 1984. Her seminary study included a year at United Theological Seminary in Bangalore, South India. Jennifer and her husband Rick served churches in Maine, New Hampshire and Washington. She also served on the United Church Board for World Ministries from 1989 to 1995, led several mission trips to India, Bosnia and China, and worked two years as a global ministries consultant for the PNC. She survived four years after a liver transplant in 2008.
Dexter Edwards, a retired UCC minister living in Lind, died in Nov. 24 and services were held on Dec. 1 in Lind. After earning a master of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1961, he served UCC churches in California, Illinois, Iowa, Hawaii, Michigan, Oregon and Wshington. He continued to serve churches as a pulpit supply minister.
Kevin Brown and Lisa Horst Clark were installed Oct. 21 to serve in ministry at First Congregational UCC in Bellevue.
Mark Miller, former interim conference minister, has moved from Texas to Seattle with his wife Diane. He has been writing novels since retiring.
Peg Faulmann of Keystone has been called to serve St. John’s UCC in Owosso, Mich.
Lauren Joy (Anderson) Baker, who was married to the Rev. Larry Baker a retired minister in Seattle, died Sept. 20.
Mike Cuzzetto, former cook for Pilgrim Firs, died in September.

PNC Men’s Retreat is Feb. 1-3
The 21st Annual Pacific Northwest Conference Men’s Retreat will be held at Pilgrim Firs Conference Center February 1 to 3, 2013 with the option for a Day of Silence on January 31.   
On Friday night, tribal chair, minister and college professor Chief Roy Wilson will share about the spirituality of the Medicine Wheel.  On Saturday, the Three Interfaith Amigos, the Rev. Don MacKenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon, and Sheik Jamal Rahman, will share their message and reflections on what it means to be a man in today’s interfaith society. 
For information, call 360-876-2031 or visit

Conference updates website
The conference has updated the look of its website at
The homepage is highlighting a different church each week. For information, call 206-725-8383.
To coordinate with the design of the conference website, Mary Stamp, editor of the Conference News, has redesigned the website for the Conference News at For information, call 509-535-1813.

Plymouth will host 2013 UCC Musicians Assn. Conference
The UCC Musicians Association Conference will be held July 14 to 17, 2013, at Plymouth Church, UCC, in Seattle. It will include four days of worship, plenary sessions, special concerts and workshops for worship leaders and musicians. The association involves colleagues seeking to help each other as they live out their call to minister through music.
For information, call 360-448-7531 or visit

Linda Jaramillo will speak at 2013 Annual Meeting in April
Linda Jaramillo, the national UCC minister for Justice and Witness Ministries, will be the 2013 Annual Meeting speaker April 26 to 28 in Wenatchee. Tara Leininger, pastor of First Congregational UCC in Metaline Falls, is chair of the planning committee. For information, call 446-2117 or email

Young adult mission trip to South Korea set in 2013
The Global Ministries Committee of the PNC and Northwest Region of the Disciples of Christ is seeking participants for a Young Adult Exchange Visit to South Korea from June 17 to 26, 2013. The young adults will learn about their counterparts in the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of South Korea, how the church ministers and serves in that culture. For information, email

Gathering honors soldiers returning from Afghanistan
The final group of Battle Company soldiers returned from their yearlong Afghanistan deployment on Dec. 9, are being welcomed back at 1:30 p.m., Sunday Dec. 16, at University Congregational UCC in Seattle. These soldiers were part of the group Jerry Montgomery had asked churches to adopt soldiers in Afghanistan. See story

Application process begins for 2013-14 Young Adult Interns
Applications are now being accepted for young adults, ages 21 to 30, to participate in the 2013-2014 team of social justice volunteers in Seattle or five other sites across the UCC.
Applications are due Feb. 15 or March 15. The year of service runs from late August 2013 through early August 2014, said Lauren Cannon of the PNC Justice and Witness Ministries Committee.
For information, contact Rich Gamble at 206-632-60212 or email

Discussion has begun about doing a disaster-recovery camp
Bobbi Virta, pastor at Ferndale UCC who led work camps to rebuild homes in New Orleans, along with retired N-Sid-Sen director Randy Crowe, said she has been in discussion with Conference Minister Mike Denton about organizing a disaster recovery work camp to go to the areas devastated by Hurricane Sandy.
While they are ready and have people interested, Virta said they are waiting to hear about the needs and opportunities to help once the immediate emergency relief phase has ended and long-term recovery efforts begin.
For information, call 360-384-3302 or email

Missionary visits churches
Jeffrey Mensendiek, Global Ministries missionary from Japan, has been on itineration visiting churches in the region Dec. 1 to 14. For information, call 206-382-3785.

Copyright © December 2012 - Pacific Northwest United Church of Christ Conference News


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