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Feature Articles and News Stories Listed by Issue Date

Ministries of Peace, Justice, Environment, Human Rights

Fall 2023

Veradale UCC turns hate incident into opportunity to spread messages of love and compassion in community.
Global Ministries Committee announces that two global partners will visit the PNC and attend Annual Meeting in April.
Jermell Witherspoon serves two churches, Everett UCC and Liberation UCC, as they serve their wider communities.
Linda Allen has written hundreds of songs on 13 CDs to influence the hearts and minds of people and communities.

Spring 2023

Leda Zakarison is reporting to area churches about her experiences as Global Ministries intern in Beirut, Lebanon.
Ferndale UCC welcomes House of Tears Lummi Carvers as they begin journey to raise awareness of mine at Oak Flat in Arizona.

Fall 2022

PNC-UCC Dismantling Racism Task Force prepares document for white congregations wanting to welcome BBIAPI speakers.
Taiwanese Christian Church hosts a camp at Pilgrim Firs in August to teach the Taiwanese language to children.

Spring 2022

Magnolia UCC follows study on homelessness with building tiny houses in Seattle to help move people into permanent housing.
Fauntleroy UCC resettles a single woman refugee from Iran because they had a studio apartment space to offer.
Richmond Beach UCC set up a Circle of Welcome with two other churches to help resettle an Afghan family of 10.
Plymouth UCC in Seattle provided a sewing machine for the mother in the Afghan refugee family they are assisting.
University and Prospect UCC churches in Seattle share in resettling an Afghan family and taking a welcoming meal.
Andy Warren writes about the PNC-UCC's Anti-Racism Fund Drive, on behalf of the Stewardship Committee.

Fall 2021

Shalom UCC in Richland with the Tri-Cities Immigrant Coalition formed Mutual Aid Project to help people devastated in COVID.
Youth delegate to virtual General Synod is impressed with ginormous impact of national UCC on social justice issues.
In a stewardship appeal, Jim CastroLang reflects on chaos of worls and invites investment to help build communities of trust.

Spring 2021

Kelle Brown seeks to guide Plymouth UCC into being a laboratory on how to dismantle racism in a church.
Jasmine Meredith, a Spokane teen and Westminster UCC member, speaks at March 20 rally to Stop the Hate of Asians.
Dismantling Racism and and Reparations teams bring document and suggestions to Annual Meeting for discussion.
As Steve Clagett steps down from five years of leading the Justice Witness Ministries Committee he offers an overview.
Annual Meeting to vote on agreement to begin a partnership with Justapaz and CEDECOL in Colombia.


Winter 2020

United Churches of Olympia builds microhouses to replace tents at nearby homeless encampment.
Bill Kirlin-Hackett, Interfaith Housing Task Force director, publishes a how-to workbook for churches serving the poor.
Richmond Beach UCC opts to present a drive-through Christmas pageant with scenes of today's vulnerable people.

Summer 2020

Hillary Coleman reports on commitment by PNC Board to develop and use an anti-racist lens in its efforts.
Richmond Beach UCC members lead an outdoor candlelight vigil in solidarity with Black Lives Matter.
Seattle interfaith leaders join in a silent vigil and moment of lament to protest racism at St. James Cathedral.
Eagle Harbor UCC members join in a Black Lives Matter/Native Lives Matter protest on Bainbridge Island.
Everett and St. Paul's UCC join in Flag Day Mobilization. Mercer Island baked cookies for march. Prospect held vigil at church.
Newport UCC couple stand along sidewalk holding signs calling for justice, fairness, kindness and love.
Normandy Park UCC joins silent march. Walla Walla UCC and UCUCC write statements on dismantling racism.
Tolt UCC in Carnation sets up a food pantry, then a food bank. Pastors lead an outdoor international day of mourning.
Global Ministries Committee arranges gift for Sri Lankan church, sets up a virtual pilgrimage to Colombia.
PNC's JWM leaders lend support and solidarity with fruit workers in Yakima striking for COVID-19 protection and pay.
Environmental Justice Team invites Governor's aide to share updates on various legislation on energy and climate change.


Spring 2020

Andy CastsroLang testifies for an ordinance to limit decibels of protests of the Church of Planned Parenthood in Spokane.
Climate Change Team wins passage of bill encouraging sustainable farming practices in the state.
Lora Rathbone educates members of Shalom UCC and the Richland Community on environmental justice issues.
Hillary Coleman, PNC's next moderator, previously served on the Board as a youth and a young adult representative.


Summer 2019

Church Council of Greater Seattle celebrates 100 years of churches/faiths working together to make a difference.
Kelle Brown said 'community' and 'transformation' are powerful words that comprise what revival means.
Bianca Davis-Lovelace grew up in the Black church, where preaching social justice is the norm.
Mary Flowers and Rick Derksen of the People's Institute offered insights on dismantling racism.
Michael Joseph visits PNC/Disciples churches to tell of Global Ministries peace work in Colombia.
Spokane and Seattle churches join in Pride Parades. Renton church deals with vandalism of pride display.
Mike Denton stirs responsible action to have impact on climate change for the sake of everyone's future.


November-December 2018

Teens come to mission camp at Pilgrim Firs in June to do home-improvement projects to help people stay in their home.
Three women participate in the Jubilee Justice Program for 2018-19 working with agencies and congregations.
United Churches of Olympia partners with other faith communities and the city to build tiny houses for homeless people.
Steve Davis represents Plymouth UCC Seattle at the interment of the ashes of Matthew Shepard.
Shalom UCC does voter education for immigrants with the Tri-Cities Faith Action Network at area events.


September - October 2018

Justice Leadership Program begins year with six new interns and two continuing interns to serve agencies and churches.
Spirit of Peace member assists with interfaith efforts for displaced people and others in the Issaquah area.
PNC Board endorses Initiative 1631, the Protect Washington Act, on recommendation of Earth Ministry.

Summer 2018

Joe Chrastil describes the dynamics of relationship building needed for congregations to do community organizing.
Bishop Dwayne Royster inspires PNC with how he works to empower communities to change the world.
Courtney Stange-Tregear outlines doing justice, loving kindness and walking humbly as key to church vitality.
Kelle Brown, pastor at Plymouth UCC in Seattle, was one of the speakers for the Poor People's Campaign in Olympia.
Bianca Davis-Lovelace a UCC pastor and ecumenical leader, has been one of three state Poor People's Campaign leaders.
Becky Withington shares her decision and experiences after being arrested in an action in the Poor People's Campaign May 28.
Leda Zakarison learns about doing justice on environmental issues in JLP internship with Earth Ministry/WAIPL..
David Morales tells Annual Meeting attendees about La Casa Hogar's work with immigrant families in Yakima.


April-May 2018

Justice Leadership NW takes group on Homelessness Pilgrimage to learn of history and present homelessness.
University Congregational UCC offers Spirit Workshops and Vigils for the Common Good on nearby street corners.
Ruth Brandon and her grandson were among many from the PNC who joine in the March for our Lives.
Seattle and Spokane churches participate in plans for the Poor People's Campaign locally and nationally.


February-March 2018

PNC Board joins in Women's March in Seattle to deepen relationships and connections of church vitality.
Courtney Stange-Tregear led closing reflections and a prayer for Eastern Washington Legislative Conference.
Jim CastroLang co-leads workshop on ways to faithfully respoond to hate with stories, awareness, listening and values.
Justice Leadership Program plans Holy Week Pilgrimage; recruits 2018-19 young adult interns.
Walla Walla church is involved with the Walla Walla Immigrant Rights Coalition addressing issues and supporting people.
Roberta Rominger recruits others from PNC-UCC to join her in Washington DC April 3-5 in memory of MLK's assassination.
Lin Hagedorn changes her bank and helps Northshore UCC make decisions and do research to find a better bank.
Diane Schmitz co-facilitates an Anti-Racism Seminar for White People with a curriculum from Allies for Change.
UCC pastors among those making plans for the state of Washington participation is the Poor People's Campaign.

November-December 2017

Justice Leadership intern helps 350 Seattle organize hundreds of people visiting 109 Seattle banks in Divest the Globe protests.
UCC Justice Leadership interns' experiences multiply as they share with each other over common meals.
Olympia's YWCA honors Leslie Cushman as its 2017 Woman of Achievement for her work in racial justice and civic justice.
Wade Zick describes the new mission/service camps, called 'Common Fire,' at Pilgrim Firs beginning summer 2018.


September-October 2017

Amber Dickson is the new organizer for the Faith Action Network, where she served two terms as a UCC intern.
Co-directors tell of UCC's commitment to the Faith Action Network since it formed six year as the interfaith advocacy arm.
Plymouth UCC Seattle member is named volunteer of the year by Habitat for Humanity in King County.
Meighan Pritchard writes PNC column mosque spreading God's radical love across boundaries at a barbeque.


Summer 2017

Briana Brannon introduces resolution for PNC and churches to be welcoming of immigrants and refugees.
UCC clergy and members jointhousands at the March for Science in Seattle and other communities.
Pride Worship Service has more clergy of more faiths involved in planning and conducting it.
Helen Bonser who helped start the Pride Parade in Spokane is now a member of the Veradale UCC.

Seattle Pride Parade 2017

Seattle Pride Parade seeks to clearly demonstrate the commitment of the UCC to advocate for LGBT people and issues.
Eagle Harbor UCC plants a community cypress tree for Arbor Day/Earth Day event held at the church.
Justice Leadership programs for young adults and older adults spread the work for justice among churches and agencies.
Justice Witness Ministries meets on teleconference, has hotsheet and a website to communicate justice action.
Jenn Hagedorn is recognized at General Synod with the Youth/Young Adult Justice Award.

April 2017

Conference Board calls for Annual Meeting to be a vital community gathered together for mission.
Justice Leadership intern David Choi learns about organizing faith communities to act through the Faith Action Network.
Synod delegate Jill Komura helps people address life transitions in her work at United Churches of Olympia.
Nathaniel Mahlberg plans to engage his church in Walla Walla in General Synod before and after the gathering.

February 2017

Ask a Muslim Northshore UCC holds events to meet Muslims, dismantle racism, offer meaningful movies and learn of white privilege.
Leslie Cushman Leslie Cushman of the PNC Justice and Witness Ministries Committee advocates for reform of deadly use of force laws.
Courtney and colleagues Courtney Stange-Tregear shares her impressions from having participated in the Women's March in D.C.
photos of women's marches Members of PNC churches from Spokane to Seattle to Bellingham joined in local Women's Marches.
Fox Island vigil About 40 members of Fox Island UCC have learned about complexities of immigration by vigils at detention center.
sanctuary Richmond Beach UCC voted on Jan. 29 to become a sanctuary church to shelter refugees from deportation.

November-December 2015

colville sign Colville First Congregational UCC faces hate incidents, receives messages of support.
tunk fire Images of areas damages by fire raise questions and offer opportunities for response.
kmbris bond Kmbris Bond helps Ten Thousand Villages Store in Seattle be successful.
eliza penik Eliza Penick promotes Heifer International projects to address poverty and community.

September-October 2015

justice interns Justice leadership internsbegin 2015-16 year of serving agencies and churches.
peace cranes Peace cranes travel to UCC churches in communities experiencing shootings.
cross at nsidsen Mark Boyd prepares campto serve region in disasters such as summer of wildfires.

Wildfire response develops

Mike Denton discussesopportunities for PNC members to respond to wildfire disaster.

June-July 2015

quinn caldwell Quinn Caldwell saysUCC is uniquely situated to transform mainline churches.
hillary honah Justice Leadership internscomplete their year of service and advocacy in August.
john deckenback John Deckenback reflectson history of missionaries and churches in Inland NW.
robbie paul Robbie Paul shares storyof Coyote and imparts wisdom from Nez Perce perspectives.

April-May 2015

dee eisenhauer Dee Eisenhauer visits Holy Land for first time to learn more about Palestinian/Israeli conflict.
amberdickson Amber Dickson gains insights into issues that affect people as Faith Action Network intern.
table turning Turning Tables Monday challenges dispropotionate incarceration of black youth.
ucucc signers University Congregational proposes resolution on Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

February-March 2015

YASC interns Young adult internsengage in advocacy for affordable housing and homeless individuals.

walmart letter All Pilgrims Church supports Walmart and other workers seeking living wages.

mike denton Mike Denton discusses the dynamics of congregations becoming engaged in advocacy.

December 2013

Bill Kirlin-Hackett Interfaith Task Force seeks to create the political will to end homelessness.
duwamish Environmental Justice camp in February will train people to train others.

September-October 2013

interns Young adult interns engage in justice agencies and life of local congregations in Seattle.
Meighan Pritchard

Meighan Pritchard is now the UCC minister of environmental justice.

Totem Pole

Lummi Totem Pole Journey is a peaceful way to challenge coal export terminal on sacred land.

June-July 2013

Linda Jaramillo Linda Jaramillo preaches on "Masks and Mirrors" to urge involvement in ending oppression.
Marianne Haney Young adult interns increase the capacity of social justice advocacy agencies they serve in Seattle.
Rick Rigdon Couple use seder meal at wedding to educate about liberation through marriage equality.

April-May 2013

port tour 16 from two UCC churches tour Port of Seattle and learn of environmental and justice issues.
Bob Bakke Prospect UCC upgrades lighting and sets lighting and heat on timers to save energy costs.
magnolia uccc Magnolia UCC earns Energy Star rating for improvements and draws community to educational program.


University UCC continues process of energy upgrades.


Monroe UCC changes lighting in sanctuary and fellowship hall.

February 2013

dee eisenhauer Dee Eisenhauer gives invocation for inauguration of Governor Jay Inslee.
Meighan Pritchard Meighan Pritchard helps national UCC with its 4-1 Earth Care Campaign.
Stephen Boyles Young adult intern serves with and learns about Faith Action Network advocacy efforts.

October 2011

Jim Deming Environmental Justice Center is launched at Pilgrim Firs with a call to our responsibility to God to care for creation.

Summer 2011

Alice Woldt
Lutheran Public Police Office merges with Washington Association of Churches to form the Faith Action Network.
Wesley teens repair roof Yakama Christian Mission seeks volunteers to help rebuild homes after February firestorm.
First Congregational UCC Bellingham Bikes Church hosts Bike to Church Sundayas as part of exploring how members can reduce their environmental footprint..

February 2011

Afghanistan petition Peace Action Group prepared petition to end war in Afghanistan. Church sent 250 signatures.


Winter 2023-24

Pullman church makes quilt during worship to convey concern about the issue of banning books and limiting access to education.
Mary Stamp marks 40th year of editing The Fig Tree ecumenical newspaper. She has also edited PNC-UCC news since 1988.
Faith Action Network begins its annual work on advocacy for issue priorities in state legislsture during the 2024 short session.
Guemes Island UCC hosts a social justice art show for the community and passes statement on the war in Israel and Palestine.
Dee Eisenhauer explains storyof Pia the Peacekeeper troll statue in Bainbridge Island park at interfaithThanksgiving service.
Bainbridge Islands pastors hold peace vigil in Sakai Park. Local rabbi sums up sentiments of many of those who gathered.
Corey Passons led workshops at Parliament of World Religions from experience as interfaith pastor and interfaith organizer.
Elizabeth Maupin reports on Parliament of World Religions. She attended because of role with Issaqual interfaith council.


Summer 2023

Dismantling Racism Task Force outliines to Annual Meeting their efforts to help move the PNC to live into being anti-racist.
Traci Blackmon encourages wider unerstanding of church growth and the ongoing need to be working for justice.
Betty Speith Croll tells why she and her husband joined 40 members of 7 UCC churches in the Seattle Pride Parade.

Winter 2022

Sixty-one people join in United Churches of Olympia Sacred Conversation on Racism in October with Velda Love.
Bill Kirlin-Hackett offers suggestions for ways churches can reach out to homeless people from interfaith work.
Several UCC churches share what they are doing related to land acknowledgements in wording and action.


Summer 2022

Gen Heywood embarks on three-month sabbatical to Iceland, Germany and New Zealand armed with questions.
United Church of Ferndale and Dismantling Racism Team invitate participation in Orange Shirt Day in September.

Winter 2021

Amara Oden and Stevi Hamill graduated from the School of Theology and Ministry and value the ecumenical studies there.
Eliza Penick of Keystone UCC helps organize a January to June session of Justice Jubilee for people to learn about justice.
Recent graduates and alums formed a Speak Out for STM group to raise questions about the closing and find options.
Catherine Foote retires after 20 years on the team ministry at University Congregational UCC in Seattle.
Renton United Christian invites Muslim resource center and SCM Ministries to use building for outreach to Afghan refugees.

Summer 2021

Everett UCC shares overview of its mission outreach through COVID and beyond, including its vision and commitment.
African American and other delegates offer uplift prophetic moment of changing a budget item to reflect anti-racism.
Dismantling Racism group leads gathering session in discussing encouraging PNC to be more anti-racist.

Fall 2020

Magnolia UCC serves its members and the community with bells, services, virtual worship, marches and classes.
Bill Kirlin-Hackett explains new law helping faith communities to serve homeless people on their property.
Walla Walla church develops an anti-racism statement expressing leaders' commitments to solidarity, advocacy, education.
Paul Ashby considers Black Lives Matters in connection with God's creation of Adam and Eve, parents of everyone.
PNC Global Ministries plans virtual pilgrimage 'to' Colombia for 16 participants from the UCC and Disciples of Christ.

Winter 2019-20

Tri-Cities Immigrant Coaiition celebrates their immigrant neighbors through the arts to build community ties.
Courtney Stange-Tregear reflects on Fall Gathering forming six issue groups to bring specific changes..
Mercer Island church installs solar power on its roof to gain energy efficiency and to inspire the community.
Six form Environmental justice Team to advocate for a sustainable farming bill in the state legislature.
Fauntleroy UCC votes to lease Camp Second Chance with 48 tiny houses to prevent it from closing.
United Churches in Olympia partner with 16 congregations to back up temple as sanctuary hosting a family.
Lummi draft bill for the state to establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for indigenous people.
Mike Denton points out the power of churches being in solidarity within their groups and with community people.
PNC News Briefs report transitions, UCC use of donations to relieve medical debt and seeking Just Peace churches.

Fall 2019

Andrew Conley-Holcom is leading a class on white supremacy and idolatry and starting Racism Anonymous.
Faith Leaders challenge white supremacy and devastation of the Earth by holding vigils and making statements.
Michael Joseph visits PNC and Disciples region to share about work for justice and peace in Colombia.
Renton United Christian brings witness to community with God's Doors and response to vandalism by repairs and more love.
Grace Lambert helps organize the Climate Strike events for youth and adults in the Seattle area.

April-May 2019

Jubilee Justice participants join in advocacy and work in local congregations. Young adult program will take a year off.
Sarah Haycox does research on civil rights leader in Richmond Beach and advocates for having center named for him.
Paul Ashby spends time engaging in interfaith dialogue in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Taiwan.
Westminster celebrates 140 years, looking to past, present and future ministries serving the city of Spokane and world.
Team of 25 from PNC and DOC help with rebuilding projects for week in Puerto Rico to help people recover from hurricanes.
Faith Leaders in Spokane join in vigils at temple and mosque, challenge Superfund sites in Inland Northwest.


January-March 2019

Alki UCC builds tiny houses at Camp Second Chance in West Seattle working beside homeless people to offer temporary houses.
Andrew Conley-Holcom and Admiral UCC in Seattle offer bystander intervention workshops for churches and nonprofits.
Bob Anderson coordinates Guemes Island UCC and community effort for peace art project.
Westminster UCC in Spokane opens its basement to welcome up to 24 homeless young adults in emergency warming shelter.
St. Paul's UCC in Ballard agarees to host a men's shelter in its basement as part of the SHARE / WHEEL network.
Jan Van Pelt retires after serving multidimensional ministry including conflict resolution and interim ministry.
Randy Crowe recruits volunteers for hurricane rebuilding pilgrimage mission in Puerto Rico in March.

November-December 2016

Five members of PNC churches begin Justice Leadership Jubilee intensive program of training and service.
Gen Heywood joins 524 clergy on Nov. 3 in solidarity with Standing Rock Sioux water protectors opposing oil pipeline.

September-October 2016

Young adult intern team begins year commitment in Justice Leadership Program.

Justice Jubilee

Team of adults begin commitment to serve through Justice Jubilee Program.

June-July 2016

Farm Worker NW Ministry asks UCC and others to join berry boycott to support farm worker justice.
More than 20 PNC churchesreadily respond to call to display banners to show love for Muslim neighbors in time of bigotry.
Conference will start a Justice Leadership Jubilee program for older adults beginning in 2017.
Scott Lovaas shares insights on the paradigm shifts for churches in the 21st century.
Mike Denton preaches on importance of 1987 apology by the religious leaders to the Northwest tribes.
PNC global partner delegatesvisiting South Korea in May learn about peace issues and reunification efforts of church.

April 2016

Ritzville church has listening session on environment. Mark Boyd discusses impact of forests and mines on camp.
Electrical engineer describes power issues in the region from perspective of Ritzville based electric co-op..

February 2016

Angela Ying's social justice commitment leads to visit to the White House to meet the Obamas.
Prospect UCC follows suggesting of General Synod resolution to divest from fossil fuels.
UCC church members protest for justice in assuring living wages at Walmart and increasing the minimum wage.
Plymouth Housing Group names its newest building after Sylvia Odom, one of its founders in 1984.

December 2014

anna jenkins Instruments of Peace provides varied genre of music for worship and secular events.
mark schoesler Ritzville UCC member leads State Senate Majority Coalition for next two years.

September-October 2014

greenteam Keystone Green Team joinsin People's Climate March Sept. 21 in Seattle.
justiceleadershi[ Young adult interns embarkon year of service in justice-based agencies and churches.

June-July 2014

stuckart and denton Spokane Alliance introducesissues on aging, mental health, child care and paid sick leave.
jenn hagedorn Jenn Hagedorn begins education for congregations on need for living wage.

February-March 2014

Briana and Jenn Plymouth UCC promotes living wage ministry with Church Council of Greater Seattle.
catherine foote Catherine Foote invites her urban church's members to her farm.

December 2012

clergy rally

Gail Crouch organized UCC churches expressing support for marriage equality.

Liberation UCC Choir

UCC clergy give witness with presence Dec. 6 at marriage license offices.

Marcia McLaughlin

Sculpture and bronze leaves call attention to homeless people in Seattle.

Alki tent

Tent on chancel for Advent represents Alki's concern about homeless families.

Lee Anne Beres

Earth Ministry organizes faiths to voice concern about the transport and export of coal.


Randy and Linda Crowe report on coal trains passing through Spokane.

Rich Gamble

Rich Gamble reflects on ways PNC churches and members can be "justice seekers."

Workshop Ideas

Justice & Witness offes workshops for justice education events.

Young Adult Interns

National UCC interns serve in justice ministries and PNC churches in Seattle.

September 2012

meighan pritchard As a UCC Environmental Justice Center, Pilgrim Firs models 'green' building practices with new roofs, insulation and other retrofits .
environmental justice retreat Environmental justice retreats help develop curricula trainees can replicate to train others in conferences around the U.S.

February 2012

Jerry Montgomery Jerry Montgomery helps churches adopt soldiers serving in Afghanistan and keeps them in contact through online media.
Ann Eidson Ann Eidson was among those who testified in favor of a bill for marriage equality before the state legislature.
Las Posadas Keystone UCC helps activate neighborhood to join Occupy Movement in family-friendly ways to do justice.
Linda Crowe Veradale and Mercer Island UCC churches each voted recently to be Open and Affirming.

November 2010

Lauren Cannon 20 in PNC are trained to train others in UCC Justice Leaders Engaging in Developing (LED) program.

Pastors Health Care

PNC's Insurance Assistance Fund seeks applicants for assistance by Nov. 15 and raises fund.

September 2010

Craig Rennebohm Mental health chaplain offers training to help clergy and congregations adopt companionship ministries of presence.


UCC Justice LED training will be held Oct. 14 o 16 at Plymouth in Seattle

June 2010

Katy Lloyd Marine's story inpires conference to offer training to churches to help them work with returning veterans.

April 2010

Leeann Beres Earth Ministry in Seattle involves UCC and other congregations in environmental education, action and advocacy.

December 2009

Robbie Paul Robbie Paul shares her sacred storyof going to sacred spaces to heal history of unresolved grief of Native Americans.
Linda Crowe UCC pastors are among leaders Spokane and Sound Alliance efforts to promote energy retrofits and jobs training.

September 2009

katy lloyd Christian Life Service and Action Committee invites clergy and lay leaders to develop ministries to veterans.
deborah rose Fabric artist creates prayer clothsas awards and fund-raising art for Earth Ministry.
Kathy Youde Kathy Youde serves as women's consultant for three western conferences.




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