11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches is "Christ's love moves the world to reconciliation and unity"

Created as a visual expression of the Assembly theme, the symbol's design is also inspired by the dynamic expressions and variety of the ecumenical movement in its search for Christian unity and promotion of justice and peace.
Inspired by the theme "Christ's love moves the world to reconciliation and unity," the WCC fellowship will come together as a whole in prayer and celebration at the 11th Assembly. We will draw renewed energy for the WCC's work far beyond the event itself. That's why, anytime you use the Assembly symbol, you should also offer space for the WCC official logo.
The symbol is formed by 4 elements:
• The cross - the assembly theme is an affirmation of faith that Christ's compassionate love transforms the world in the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. Placed prominently in the symbol, the cross is an expression of the love of Christ and a reference to the first article of the WCC Constitution.[1]
• The dove - a universal symbol of peace and reconciliation, the dove stands for the Holy Spirit and also refers to deep biblical expressions of hope.
• The circle - the whole inhabited world (oikoumene) – bringing a sense of unity and common goal, and a new beginning. The circle is also inspired by the concept of reconciliation. As Christians, we have been reconciled with God through Christ, and as churches, we are agents of forgiveness and love both within and outside our communities. The ecumenical movement has responded to the call for unity and reconciliation through resolute work and action for a more just and participatory society and the care for God's Creation.
• The way - we all come from different places, cultures and churches; we walk different paths responding to God's call; we are all on a pilgrimage through which we encounter others and join together on a journey of justice and peace. The different paths represent our various journeys, the movement, freedom and vibrancy of life that drive the WCC and its member churches around the world.