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Fig Tree Editors and Staff

Mary Stamp - editor and publisher

For Mary Stamp, writing and editing The Fig Tree has been a direct service ministry and model of peace/solutions journalism since 1984. Read more

Contact the Editor : 509-535-1813

Malcolm Haworth - resource directory editor and ecumenical coordinator

Malcolm Haworth began the work of researching the faith and nonprofit communities and expanding the Directory as an AmeriCorps volunteer community outreach coordinator with the Fig Tree in February 2007. Read more

Contact the Directory Editor : 509-535-4112

Marijke Fakasiieiki - development and editorial associate

Marijke Fakasiieiki has expanded to development and editorial associate (2021) collaborating with staff and building community relationships to implement The Fig Tree's revenue generation, advertising and marketing plans in line with The Fig Tree's mission, vision and values. Read more

Contact the Development and Editorial Associate: 509-535-4112

Lorna Kropp - webmaster

Lorna Kropp updates and maintains The Fig Tree website, develops new features and web outreach, and helps with video editing for special events. Read more.

Contact the Webmaster 509-535-4112


Kaye Hult - administrative and volunteer coordinator

Kaye Hult helps to organize events, and coordinates volunteers for mailling, deliveries, archiving,and outreach displays. She writes a monthly story and fills in as editor, as needed. She also helps Mary as needed. Read more.

Contact Kaye Hult 509-535-4112

Fig Tree Editorial Team:

Mary Stamp - Editor/Publisher - United Church of Christ

Editing: Erin Endres, Catherine Ferguson SNJM, Mary Mackay, Emma Maple, Jill Redl, Nancy Roth, Pava Young

Fig Tree Board:

  • Gloria Asston Baynes, 2026
  • Nick Beamer, Presbyterian, 2025
  • Laurie Clark-Strait, Disciples of Christ, Secretary, 2026
  • Marijke Fakasiieiki, Methodist, 2026 
  • Catherine Ferguson, Catholic, Edit Team
  • David Gortner, Episcopal, 2025
  • Malcolm Haworth, Editorial Team
  • Kaye Hult, UCC 2026
  • Gary Jewell, Mennonite, Moderator, 2025
  • Betty Krafft, Salem Lutheran, 2026
  • Raymond Reyes, Catholic - Gonzaga, 2025
  • Wade Schwartz, Friends, Treasurer, 2025
  • Dale Soden, Lutheran, 2024
  • Mary Stamp, Publisher - UCC - Edit Team
  • Tracey Waring, Episcopal, 2024
  • Anastasia Wendlinder, Catholic, 2024



Copyright@ The Fig Tree,  2024