The Fig Tree continues to lift up voices
to inform, inspire and involve people
Our time of earthquakes, tsunamis, hunger, incredible poverty, incredible profits and draconian budget cuts is also a time of abundance, generosity and gratitude.
In the midst of the grim realities, people care about each other and challenge injustices behind the suffering of brothers, sisters and neighbors.
The Fig Tree each month covers those stories to lift voices of hope; to lift voices to inform people; to lift voices to inspire people, and to connect and involve people to lift more voices.
Giving generously and gratefully to The Fig Tree and other faith and nonprofit organizations multiplies voices and their impact.
Justice and charity are the foundations of our commitment as people of faith to improve lives for others.
Readers are The Fig Tree stories, sponsors, advertisers, volunteers, board, volunteers and multipliers of circulation and support.
Our stories are intended help people think, reflect and connect, so they are effective voices of hope in their own settings.
As everyone rides the “cut-the-deficit” bandwagon, it’s hard to remember that, in fact, most businesses, farms and families operate on debt to do business. Our editorials stir thinking about the economy.
We trust there is enough!
Voices of hope echo through Fig Tree stories. We multiply voices, spreading their messages so they enter more lives to instill action-inspiring hope.
People risk to share, to lift their voices as Holocaust survivor and educator Eva Lassman did for years. As she persisted in speaking, she informed many students, community people and national leaders. Like her, people interviewed for stories this year—shown in the slide show—are just examples of many who speak, teach, care, advocate, feed, shelter, build and respond to neighbors’ needs.
Folks we interview are grateful for the abundance of God’s gifts, undeterred by efforts to make them feel vulnerable and to divide those with common concerns. Contrary to popular wisdom, the weak are strong as they become voices challenging injustices.
God’s economy calls us to circulate what wealth we have among those with the least and those serving through the faith and nonprofit communities. Keeping funds circulating locally as long as possible produces small-town prosperity. As faith and nonprofit communities circulate our wealth, it enriches each group and those they serve.
The Fig Tree grows on people power: Volunteers help two hours a month with delivery and mailings, 10 minutes a month handing out newspapers at their congregations, two-hour shifts at displays, 20-minute talks, or writing and editing articles. Our goal is to involve more people to spread our approach of solutions-oriented/peace journalism.
Mary Stamp - Editor
Copyright © April 2011 - The Fig Tree