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Fig Tree's directory is now online and expanded

The Fig Tree’s 2008 Directory of Congregations and Community Resources is now online with more entries than were included in the print version, available since June.

Malcolm Haworth, AmeriCorps community outreach coordinator with The Fig Tree, has been updating the data since publication, adding congregations in Central Washington, Southeast Washington and North Central Idaho, doubling the number included.

In addition, he has added more agencies in the Palouse and Panhandle. 

He has included new sections on programs for the homeless and on arts and culture.  He expanded the sections on veterans, housing assistance and family resources, along with a few additions in each section, in order to be more comprehensive.

The information is in pdf files for each section—denominations and resource categories.  Entries include emails and links to websites that can be clicked to connect with the congregation or resource to learn more information.

“It’s a way to access the world,” he said.  “While most entries are in this region, we connect to the regional and national offices, plus some international ecumenical and faith organizations.

“We hope that the congregations, ministries and nonprofits will link their websites to ours as a way to build ‘traffic’ on all our websites,” he said.

Malcolm encourages people to visit the website to check that entries are current and accurate, and then email that information.

For more information visit The Resource Directory

To send information to the Directory email: or call 535-4112