Campus minister brings Taizé to region
Each week during the summer months, 3,000 to 6,000 Protestant and
Catholic young people from 75 countries flock to Taizé, France,
for an ecumenical experience of simplicity and worship.
“At the heart of the Taizé Community is a belief that the ascent
of the soul to God goes hand in hand with serving others,” said the
Rev. Robert Hicks, United Methodist campus minister at Washington State
University (WSU) in Pullman. “This is not an asceticism that
removes us from expressing God’s love to others.
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Students meet to discuss Taizé. |
brothers of Taizé go to desperate places on earth to live
alongside of and to serve the poor. They have ministries in many
impoverished areas in the world.
A ministry of prayer and presence leads to economic and political dialogues and commitments to seek to work on behalf of
the poor in concrete ways. The balance between devotion and
action that we found at Taizé was what we were looking for as a
new model for campus ministry,” Robert said.
In the fall of 2004, Koinonia House, where the Common Ministry at WSU
is located, began to offer Monday night Taizé services, based
upon the actual Taizé style.
Students sit on the floor facing a worship center with many
candles. The musicians—guitar, keyboard, violin, flutes and
cantors—sit in the back to lead singing.
Each week they experience a period of silence. While many
students have said they loved the singing, they have also said they
found the silence exceptionally meaningful. It connected them to
God in a way they had never experienced.
After the Taizé service, the students gather downstairs in the
café to reconnect with the community over tea or a latté
and a dessert, usually chocolate.
They also offer a service on Tuesdays at noon.
This Taizé worship experience began as a trip. In May 2004, the Common Ministry took the first group of students to Taizé, France.
The Rev. Gail Stearns, the Presbyterian campus minister and director of
the Common Ministry, and Robert traveled with the students.
It readily became obvious to Gail and Robert that this experience of
singing, silence and simplicity would become an important part of their
ministry at WSU.
Taizé is an ecumenical community of brothers, under the
leadership of Brother Roger, who lives a life of prayer and
service. The community was started by Brother Roger as a place to
serve the many refugees coming out of Eastern Europe following World
War II.
Over time, the community developed a unique worship style that began to
attract young people from all over the world. The words of the
music are written in the languages of the people of the world.
Consequently, in Taizé worshippers sing in harmony in many
different languages. The songs are repeated many times becoming a
form of prayer.
They often say in Taizé, “To sing is to pray twice.”
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Robert Hicks |
this past year, Gail and Robert learned much about the music and
spirituality of the Taizé worship style. They began taking
students around to the supporting congregations to give them an
experience of Taizé worship.
During Lent this spring, the Simpson United Methodist Church in Pullman
offered a Taizé Lenten service on Sunday nights. About 100
people came from all over the Palouse and from a variety of
One woman said, “After that first worship service, I felt like I’d never worshiped before. It took me so deep.”
After the success of these services,
the Common Ministry Council decided to sponsor an ecumenical
Taizé service on Sunday nights this upcoming fall, following the
WSU academic calendar.
They will begin at Simpson United Methodist Church in September and see
where it goes from there. Worship will be at 7:30 p.m.
Child care will be provided.
Another program component they will add this fall is an hour of
instruction and discussion prior to the worship, at 6:30 p.m.
They will teach about contemplative prayer, meditation and healing,
simplicity, social action and the devotional life, as well as
discussing the rich tradition of Christian devotional writings from
such people as Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, Julian of
Norwich and contemporary writers on prayer like Thomas Keating.
The ministry goal at the K-House is to direct students into areas of mission, driven by their experience of God in
prayer. Next year’s program will explore the relationship between
contemplative prayer and social-missional engagement.
Currently, students are participating in a farming venture, working
alongside poor families to help them grow fresh produce for themselves
and to contribute to the food bank.
“We would like to expand this concept of working alongside the poor,
not just doing things on behalf of the poor. To be present with
the poor and marginalized in Christ’s name is itself a form of
contemplative prayer,” Robert said.
The Common Ministry is returning to Taizé this year with a new group of six students. Most of them have been involved
in the Monday night Taizé service. They already know many
of the songs and are comfortable with the silence.
They are looking forward to meeting young people from all over the
world who are finding in the prayer, the simplicity and the community,
something that satisfies them deeply and gives them hope, Robert said.
This is more than just a tourist trip to France.
The Rev. Kristine Zakarison, pastor of Community Congregational United
Church of Christ in Pullman, who is also going as a chaperone this
year, said, “We are currently meeting weekly and discussing what it
means to go on a pilgrimage, which is how the trip is understood for
the students.”
Robert’s knowledge of Taizé is in demand in the Northwest.
A Taizé worship will be offered at Jubilate! a worship arts retreat that will be held July 18 to 23 at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma.
Robert will lead a week-long workshop on Taizé.
His sessions will introduce participants to the historical and
theological background behind the Taizé movement and also give
them an experience of the music and contemplative silence as well as
equip them for utilizing these resources within their own
His wife, the Rev. Tori Hicks, pastor of Colfax United Methodist Church, is this year’s Jubilate! chaplain.
For information on Jubilate! call (360) 479-9043 or visit!/ index.html.
Robert will also facilitate a Taizé weekend for students and
adults at Camp Cross on Lake Coeur d’Alene, Sept. 9 to 11. For
information, visit
For information on the Common Ministry, call 332-2611
Copyright, The Fig Tree- © May 2005