Episcopal diocese finds new ways to worship, be church
The Right Rev. Gretchen Rehberg – bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Spokane
"We are living in a time that feels new and scary," said Gretchen on March 18. "Most of us have never experienced a global pandemic. We were not trained for such times. In many ways, that's true, but we are called as disciples of Jesus for just such times of confusion, fear and doubt."
In Jesus' time and the 2000 years since, his followers have faithfully tried to love God and love neighbors in whatever circumstances they have found themselves, she said.
The diocese is offering live-streamed worship online Sundays at 10:30 a.m. from different congregations. Upcoming services are April 5 from St. David's in Spokane, and April 12 from the Cathedral of St. John in Spokane.
The diocese is providing home worship materials and congregations are finding ways to be in community while physically apart.
"We pray we will be worshiping side-by-side soon. In the meantime, we continue to be the church. Let us pray for all impacted by this pandemic, including those whose work has shut down and income is lost," Gretchen said. "Pray and give, so we may assist others. Our congregations have ways to support those in need, so we need members to continue to give to our churches, neighbors and communities."
Gretchen invites those in the diocese to worship in new ways and rediscover the meaning of "when two or three are gathered."
There are links in the "worship" tab at www.spokanediocese.org.
She prays that "we be tender with one another in these times, we do not neglect to worship, we look out for one another, we lift up one another in prayer, especially those without shelter, adequate food or social support."
For updates, call 624-3191 or visit spokanediocese.org.
Copyright@ The Fig Tree, April, 2020