2025 Benefit "Sharing Wisdom: Connecting the Generations"
The theme for The Fig Tree Benefit is "Sharing Wisdom: Connecting the Generations." The Fig Tree stirs and sustains hope and action by informing, inspiring and involving people.
The Fig Tree Video by Hamilton Studio features comments by: Liv Larson Andrews, Linda Braune, Nick CastroLang, Bruce Dentler, April Eberhardt, Tevita Fakasiieiki, Nikita Habimana, Gary Jewell, Ali Norris, John Alder, Sandra Boudreaux and Barb Borgens, Fig Tree Board members, Spokane Community faith and non-profit leaders, and Fig Tree volunteers.
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Kassahun Kebede, Sociologist at Eastern Washington University (EWU) Africana Studies professor
who shared his story of wanting to improve literacy in his home village by starting a library in Ethiopia. At Eastern he studies migration patterns, life journeys of African diaspora in Africa and here in the US.

The theme for The Fig Tree Benefit is "Sharing Wisdom: Connecting the Generations." A Benefit includes the reason and time for support led by Raymond Reyes, Fig Tree Board member and retired Vice-President of Gonzaga University.