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Our Programs

The Fig Tree offers a variety of programs, events and resources to serve and connect our readers and communities together.

The Fig Tree Newspaper - In print and online

A monthly newspaper published by first Wednesdays of September through June. It reaches 30,000 readers through 10,000 copies distributed by mail and in bulk to congregations, community organizations and grocery stores in the Inland Northwest. It covers stories of people who make a difference because of their faith and values, based on a solutions and peace/journalism editorial approach. It is in its 40th year of publication.

The Fig Tree website at includes monthly updates and archives of issues from 2004 to the present. In addition to the feature stories, it contains information about the Fig Tree's approach to covering religious and community news, special projects, videos of events, and links to information in the annual Resource Directory: Guide to Congregations and Community Resources. The Fig Tree also shares links to stories on Facebook and Twitter, and includes local/regional religion news, a calendar of events and comments from readers and faith leaders.

The Resource Directory

The Resource Directory includes information on congregations, ecumenical and interfaith ministries, multi-service agencies, human services, children-youth-family services, medical and health care resources, senior and retirement resources, justice action and multicultural resources, environmental programs, arts and culture programs, civic services, and emergency contacts. Next year, more than 25,000 copies will be printed and distributed throughout the community, used not only by organizations listed and service providers, but also by people in crises, emerging from crises, seeking opportunities and wanting to volunteer. The Directory is in its 51st year of publication.

The Fig Tree published 22,000 copies, mailing 4,500 of the 2023-24 edition in August. Volunteers distributed bulk orders to agencies and congregations.

This annual directory is published with the support of community partners for 2023/2024:

  • Banner Bank
  • Providence Health Services
  • Sisters of the Holy Names
  • Second Harvest
  • Gonzaga University
  • Northwest Intermountain Synod ELCA
  • Coordinated Care
  • Molina Health
  • MultiCare
  • United Health
  • Launch Northwest
  • Innovia Foundation
  • Empire Health Foundation
  • Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington
  • Aging & Long Term Care
  • Parkview Early Learning
  • Northwest Mediation Center
  • Goodwill Industries of the Inland NW
  • Fred Hutch Cancer Center
  • Eastern Washington University
  • Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels
  • Liberty Park St. Paul's United Methodist Church
  • East Spokane Kiwanis
  • and 117 advertisers

Community Events

Educational Events

Annual Educational and Dialogue Events foster dialogue, discussion and reflection on issues involving media, journalism, faith and justice in the region. The Fig Tree works with the Faith Action Network, Catholic Charities of Eastern WA, Earth Ministries/Washington Faith and Light, NAACP Spokane Branch, Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia and other programs for racial and social justice to plan and present the annual Eastern Washington Legislative Conference.

The next one is January 25, 2025. The theme is "What Does it Mean to be Prophetic" The program includes a Youth Advocacy panel, a plenary panel of Indigenous Perspectives and Actions, six workshops—Human Rights with premier showing of "Carla, The Rescuer", Refugee and Immigration Issues, Food Security issues, Recycling and Environmental Issues, Rent Stabilization and Affordable Housing Issues, Racial Equity & Education Issues—reflections of faith leaders and legislative briefings.

Videos of the 2025 event available here.

Benefit Events

2025 Spring Benefits theme is "Sharing Wisdom: Connectding the Generations." The Benefit Lunch in person and the Breakfast-Time Benefit on Zoom will raise awareness about The Fig Tree and raise funds to support it.

The Benefit Lunch is in person with the buffet opening at 11:00 a.m. and the program beginning at noon, Saturday, March 8, at Hemmingson Center Ballroom at Gonzaga University. The virtual Breakfast Time Benefit will be held gathering online at 7:30 a.m. with the program from 7:45 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. on Wednesday, March 12 or at one's convenience on YouTube.

In 2024, the 40th Anniversary Gala featured keynote speaker Karen Georgia Thompson, the first African-American woman president and general minister of the national United Church of Christ. She is also a member of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches, and a Fig Tree reader.

Videos of the 2024 Benefit and Gala 40th Anniversary Event here.

The Harvest Festival of Sharing

The Fig Tree is also holding an annual Harvest Festival of Sharing during October and November, ending with Giving Tuesday.