Eastern Washington Legislative Conference 2025
January 25, 2025
"What does it Mean to be Prophetic?"
click the graphic to link to each video.

The opening interfaith prayer coordinated by Anastasia Wendlinder, of the Religious Studies Department at Gonzaga University, with Jeremy Press Taylor, Jewish Community, and Karen Stromgren of Muslims for Community Action.

The keynote panel explores the theme related to the generation-to-generation wisdom passed down by Indigenous people of the region working to restore salmon runs, address ecosystems functions, clean up uranium mines, restore language and culture to heal tribal people and all the people of the region. Moderated by Twa-le Abrahamson, Spokane Tribe, panel members are: Margo Hill, Spokane Tribe and EWU, Caj Matheson, Coeur d'Alene Tribe, and DR Michel, Upper Columbia United Tribes.

Faith Action Network organizer Brianna Dilts facilitates a panel of youth advocates exploring the theme "What Does it Mean to be Prophetic?" Panel members are: Molly Milton, Gonzaga University, Michaela Figueroa, EWU and Nuestras Raices, Nikita Habimana, Shadle Park HS student and NAACP Youth projects, and Tevita Fakasiieiki, EWU and PICA-WA.

The Legislative Briefing included 3 advocates of faith agencies presenting their organization's' priorities and issues coming before the state legislature in 2025. They are Kristin Ang of the Faith Action Network (FAN), Jean Welch Hill with the Washington State Catholic Conference and AC Churchill of Earth Ministry/Washington Interfaith Power and Light (WAIPL).

Human Rights Workshops 1+2 featuring excerpts from "Carla the Rescuer" presented by Kristine Hoover of GU School of Leadership Studies. Kristine and Clement Lye, GU, have been part of telling the story of Carla Peperzak's leadership through this award-winning documentary. See carlatherescuer.org for more information about screening the video and study sessions. Link to the Official Trailer for"Carla the Rescuer".
EWLC 2025 Sponsors: