Directory editor develops online Resource Directory supplement for COVID-19
Malcolm Haworth created Google map with overlay of where services are and what they are
Responding to the daily developments of resources in the COVID-19 pandemic, The Fig Tree swung into busy mode, first gathering and sharing information on churches and faith groups closing worship and gatherings, and then keeping up with the ever-changing updates of services for people in need.
"We posted the status of gatherings for worship on the website in early-March," said Malcolm Haworth, directory editor.
Creative responses and insights of faith leaders in this issue tell how faith communities are finding new ways to "be communities of faith" in these times.
Agencies sent information on how they are feeding, sheltering and serving people in new ways, and Malcolm called, emailed and checked websites to update an online Emergency Resource Directory Supplement on COVID-19 resources.
"It tells who is open, who is closed and who has shifted focus," he said. "So much changes day-to-day, it is soon outdated.
Malcolm provides regular, sometimes daily, updates on food banks, meals, hygiene items, public health, community centers, energy and rent assistance, food/hygiene donations, hospitals, children's food/care, shelters, vulnerable populations and more.
An elementary school counselor called to say: "You are heroes of the day with your resource information being spread to thousands as needs in the community grow because of food insecurity and unemployment." It's at
Fig Tree editor Mary Stamp and editors included an overview of the community outpouring and ingenuity, and stories of hope. "We published despite a drop to half the usual amount of advertising and we planned alternatives to bulk distribution," she said.
For information, call 535-1813 and visit Fig Tree Facebook fundraiser at
Copyright@ The Fig Tree, April, 2020