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March 2025

Facing impact from executive orders, area refugee, immigrant groups act
Panel of tribal leaders present overview of issues impacting their communities
Marketing director finds ways to 'bring good' into lives of seniors in community
Youth panel discuss what 'being prophetic' means for their lives, communities
Habitat recruits  for a Faith Action Committee to connect with congregations
Way to Justice begins collection for annual back-to-school shoe giveaway
Country Homes Christian Church sells 2.5 acres for 100 units of senior housing
St. Ann's and Career Path form Dignified Workday to serve homeless
Speakers at Resident's Day Rally voice concerns to counter the onslaught of executive orders
Editorial: Columnist calls for recreating government of, by and for the people
Yakima bishop names challenges, Fair Housing leader reports funding freeze, more. . .

February 2025

The Black Lens editor finds power in building community through newspaper
FAN's new executive director always concerned about oppressed people
Spokane church will build low-income apartments as part of post-fire rebuilding
Ron Large invites GU students to ponder what it looks like to be a just society
Westminster UCC invites medically fragile homeless into its upper rooms
Second Harvest Inland Northwest seeks donations of shelf-stable foods to meet needs
Lisa Gardner activates NAACP Spokane chapter with new energy, activates members
Haitians share the community and caring they know in their culture
Caring for natural world includes keeping track of the numbers of birds
Editorial: We need to realize that America does not exist without refugees
Cameron Conner: Seeing community organizing globally gives us lessons for today
Sounding Board: King charged us to love each other: How can I love you better?

January 2025

Lay parish leader has encouraged St. Aloysius parish in its work for social justice

Cup of Cool Water outreach welcomes and teaches youth of values in word and deed

Spokesman-Review recognizes eight women of the year for contributions to community

Book and film assure that Holocaust survivor's presentations can continue in the future

Role of all the staff is to engage with and bond with the residents in retirement center

Member does research to help inform church of context of its founding story

Monthly cultural calendar preparer retires and passes on role to The Fig Tree

Tia Moua empowers Spokane's Asian-American people and herself
What if forgiving as an act of faith can have an impact on society?