Rental assistance program has started
Rental assistance flier
For people struggling to pay rent, Emmanuel Family Life Center, Jesus Is the Answer City Church, the Spokane Ministers Fellowship and the Carl Maxey Center are partnering with SNAP (Spokane Neighborhood Action Partners) and the City of Spokane to offer limited assistance with rent through the Eviction Rental Assistance Program.
A COVID assistance team at Emmanuel Family Life Center is offering assistance for up to three months for one month past due, the current month and the next month's rent.
The grants through the Washington State Commerce Department will be distributed in Hillyard and North Spokane, East Central and South Hill Spokane, and West Central Spokane.
"The City of Spokane portion is designated for people of color under the age of 25 years. Spokane County is working with SNAP to provide $4 million to mitigate evictions for anyone," said Lonnie Mitchell, director of the Emmanuel Family Life Center, which is the fiduciary agent for the grants.
Four caseworkers who have offices at the center will receive calls and then go out to people to deliver the applications, which are submitted to either SNAP or Catholic Charities.
For information, call 443-4884.
Copyright@ The Fig Tree,December, 2020