350 Spokane's interfaith committee

The 350 Spokane Interfaith Committee is offering a teach-in on what is happening with creation.
They are using "Wake Up World, a Curriculum on the Climate Crisis for Faith and Community Groups" by Robert and Anita Dygert-Gearheart, a retired United Methodist minister and clinical social worker from Spokane, who became engaged on the issue during COVID.
They want to inspire people to become more active.
The United Methodist Church and Earthkeepers invited people to do a project. The curriculum was Robert's and Anita's project.
After they prepared a six-week faith version, highlighting creation and roles of communities of faith, they created a three-week community version highlighting the importance of the earth and humanity's role.
They have taught the community version numerous times at colleges and universities in Florida, Oregon and Utah.
Robert and Anita invite 10 faith groups to offer the curriculum between now and May 2024 to help their community become more educated and more active in solving the problem.
They are working with the Lands Council to offer groups who study the curriculum the opportunity to plant trees in the spring with their Spocanopy project.
Six faith groups that have signed up to teach the curriculum are Temple Beth Shalom, Manito United Methodist, Hamblen Park Presbyterian, St. Mark's Lutheran, St. Stephen's Episcopal and Unity Spiritual Center.
350 Spokane is working to recruit five or more.
Each group can decide how to offer the material.
For a printed copy, groups are asked to cover the cost of printing the copy, which is available through Cokesbury, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble and at wakeupworld.earth.
For information, call 541-951-2897 or email adygertgearheart@hotmail.com.