Happy and James Watkins value Fig Tree coverage

The Rev. Percy Happy Watkins, pastor emeritus of New Hope Baptist Church and a member of the Spokane Christian Coalition when it started The Fig Tree, was later a member of The Fig Tree Board.
Editor Mary Stamp said his role as a civil rights and human rights leader in Spokane and a leader in the Spokane Ministers Fellowship kept The Fig Tree informed of stories.
In response, Happy said "Thank you, Mary, for your gift. You have been inspiring me all these years, and not just you, also your family, so I thank you for that. So happy anniversary to The Fig Tree and to you."
The Rev. James Watkins, pastor of New Hope Baptist Church and president of the Spokane Ministers Fellowship said:
"I wish a happy 40th anniversary to The Fig Tree and to its editor, Mary Stamp, who has done amazing work in this city.
"I have known her since I was in high school. She and my dad worked together on issues of the city and to spread the good news. As I listen to them talk now, their children and grandkids are preparing to take their places. That's an amazing tribute to both.
When he was on the board, James said he learned what work went into writing the articles and publishing the paper.
"Most people don't understand the work and commitment that Mary has had for 40 years to make this happen," he said. "We are grateful that she has continued, and this is going to go to the next generation.
As a pastor and president of the Spokane Ministers Fellowship, James that the connection is strong.
He notes that The Fig Tree has covered stories highlighting the Black community and Black church community.
"When I was young, I thought I'd leave Spokane, but now as the Spokane Ministers Fellowship president, I think this is an awesome time," he said. "The Fig Tree lets us know of all that is happening here.
"In the minister's fellowship, we are committed to making sure that the vision never dies, and the work never goes undone," he affirmed.