Eastern Washington Legislative Conference 2019
Jessica Galvez gives tips for effective ways to influence legislators
Jessica Galvez
Jessica Galvez, Washington State mobilization manager with Save the Children Action Network, offered workshop participants an opportunity to do mock presentations of an "elevator pitch" on their concern about immigration and family separation.
In a plenary session, Jessica reviewed how bills become laws and effective means for bringing voices to legislators.
"Personal meetings are most important," she said. "That involves calling for an appointment and preparing for the meeting.
She referred people to an advocacy toolkit The Fig Tree prepared and has online at thefigtree.org.
She suggested that citizens decide what issues to work on, what they can do, where they can find information and then craft an "elevator pitch" that tells how the bill intersects with "my personal story" and why passage is urgent.
Knowing who the legislators are and what their vested interests are is also important.
She referred people to the advocacy tools and resources that are available at savethechildrenactionnetwork.org.
Copyright@ The Fig Tree, March, 2019