Pastor, photographer presents exhibit

Gen Heywood, pastor of Veradale United Church of Christ and professional photographer, has paired phrases from The Pledge of Allegiance with complicated images of the U.S. flag in her photographic exhibit on "The Pledge of Allegiance."
The exhibit will show from 4 to 7 p.m., Fridays and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturdays from Nov. 1 to 30, at Gonzaga University Urban Art Center. At a First Friday reception on Nov. 1, Gen will be present.
"The photographic essay comes with a personal hope that we, as a country, will find our way back to being a United States where we work together for a more perfect union," said Gen.
As the guests enter this experience, she encourages them to take time with each image, to look deeply and allow for a wide range of emotions, which may range from peaceful to hostile.
"Some images contain ironies that arise between the words of the Pledge and the situation of the flag. Sometimes there is humor. The possibility for internal and communal conversations develops as each person witnesses the condition of the flag's fabric, the setting of the image and the words of the pledge," Gen explained.
This project is one way Gen offers opportunities for people to remember their common humanity.
"These two icons of our nation are subjects that anyone who has attended public school or who has become naturalized citizens recognize as belonging to all of us," she said.
The exhibit has been viewed virtually twice. It was presented to a Gonzaga class on leadership and communication ethics and to a National Park Photography Expedition Master Class.
"In both situations, people came to it with caution and an edge that transformed into conversation. The day after the presentation to the master's degree class, two photographers of opposite political views were still talking about it," Gen said.
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